The Bees | Beekeeping Education and Apiary Care | Gypsy Shoals Farm — bee care

How to Test Your Honeybees for Varroa Mites

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How to Test Your Honeybees for Varroa Mites
Learn how to protect your honeybee colony from Varroa mites with effective testing methods. Safeguard your bees and ensure successful pollination. Explore the best techniques for monitoring mite infestations.

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Unravelling the Mystery of Why Bees Swarm

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Unravelling the Mystery of Why Bees Swarm
Delve into the intriguing world of bee swarming and discover why these remarkable creatures engage in this mesmerizing behavior. Gain insights into the decision-making process and ecological significance of swarming, providing valuable knowledge for bee enthusiasts and nature lovers. Explore how swarming influences bee survival and genetic diversity. A must-read for beekeepers and those fascinated by the wonders of nature.

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Honey Bee Queen Reproduction: A Fascinating Journey of Royal Succession

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Honey Bee Queen Reproduction: A Fascinating Journey of Royal Succession

Honey bee colonies have a unique reproductive mechanism for producing a new queen bee. This process, known as supersedure or swarm-induced queen rearing, allows the hive to replace an aging or failing queen or to prepare for swarming. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how a honey beehive reproduces a new queen bee.

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The Importance of Spring Feeding Honeybee Hives

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The Importance of Spring Feeding Honeybee Hives
Spring feeding is critical to supporting the backyard beekeeper’s honeybee hive. Here are the reasons why feeding sugar water is recommended for both new and established colonies.

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Planting Clover for Your Honeybees

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Planting Clover for Your Honeybees
Purposeful planting of clover is an inexpensive and effective way for backyard beekeepers and apiaries to maintain land and support their honeybee colony needs in the process. With that being said, there are many varieties of clover so let’s take a look at what your bees want and how you can provide it for them.

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